Monday, December 21, 2009

Song of the Goehring Unit--12/21/09

For the sake of having something holiday related, here's a lovely song brought to you by the amazing ladies of Celtic Woman:

Words cannot describe my awe at Celtic Woman. My only quibble with this song is that it's too short! I wish it went on for longer, it's so beautiful. Enjoy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Song of the Goehring Unit--12/14/09

There is a quantum test tomorrow. And an It's Academic competition after school (Quizmaster Taping). Both are under the same teacher, who would probably be most displeased if I failed at either (but more so if I failed at it's ac). That being said, I will blatantly ignore that and post another song! Today I present to you Your Shadow by Lunascape. It is odd, really odd--but in a good way, at least in my opinion. If you're like me and you pay more attention to the video than to the music, though, my suggestion is that you listen to the song first without watching the video. Because the video is so weird it distracts from the interesting weirdness of the song itself.

Happy listening!