Monday, May 18, 2009

Nuts just got nuttier!

Nuts is making progress! It now has 3 official columns and several supporting columnists. They are:
"Back Inside" features reviews of the movies and television shows both new and old.
"Music Notables" showcases eclectic music of all genres.
"It's Academic!" provides daily trivia to keep you on your toes.

Indeed, Nuts is now on Facebook! Become a fan today!
Also to keep you up-to-date on on the latest Nuts news, we've set up an Atom Feed. Subscribe now!

We want to hear from you! What do you want reviewed and showcased? What issues do you want discussed and debated? Send us your suggestions, comments, and questions!

We didn't start the fire

As I have been reminded, it's my day for an It's Ac fact.  So I'm going to go overboard.

Everything in there.  :D  There ya go.

Song of the Day--May 18, 2009

Today, I get to combine two of my favorite things: good music and mythology. For those of you familiar with Arthurian legend, you will remember that Mordred is Arthur's son by his half-sister Morgauss. He is the one who is fated to bring the fall of Camelot. Morgauss is a bitter woman who is constantly after Arthur's throne. Now, against that backdrop, I present today's song of the day: "Mordred's Lullaby" by Heather Dale. Heather Dale's amazing vocals are hypnotic and bitter at the same time, making this a powerful song that invokes well the hatred, the passion, and the tragedy behind the legend. Unfortunately it doesn't mention the utter kick-ass magical powers of Morgauss, but I digress.

Listen to it (lyrics included in video):

We are(n't) the champions...

8th period Origins vs. Discrete kickball didn't go so hot. We (Origins) started off badly, with getting only one person on base before Discrete got 3 people out. Then they proceeded to go on a 6 point streak (through two rounds of kicking) before we finally came back with 3 points. Then we managed to end their kicking round very fast, leading into our best round yet, giving us 8 to 6. Then they came back with a final score of 9 to 8 (though some Discrete people insist that it was 10 to 8). God damnit.