Today's It's Academic fact of the day:
The world is round.
Just kidding! Here's the real fact. The structure of DNA was discovered in 1953 by Watson and Crick. They received the Nobel prize in physiology for it 9 years later, in 1962. What few people know is that they in fact shared their Nobel prize with a fellow scientist named Maurice Wilkins.
Today's song is "The Dove's Return" by Aine Minogue. It has no words. It features a beautiful harp melody with Aine's lovely, soft voice humming along. This may be one of the most calming songs I've heard, and yet it doesn't get boring thanks to the variation in the melody. There's a very cliched saying that "music calms the beast within." This song is one that very well could tame any creature, whether an inner beast or otherwise.
Listen to it: