Friday, May 29, 2009

Song--May 29,2009

Yargh. Stressful time. So many projects still to do and worry about before school is out. So many petty dramas making me feel tired and old. This song is how I unwind:

Anna Rose by Vienna Teng just may be one of the most soothing songs I've ever heard. In any case, whenever I'm particularly stressed, this is the one I put on. Vienna's voice is perfect for this song, and the lyrics are adorable. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the song.

Crossword Complaints

First in what may become a series.

Washington Post 5/29
So the overall clue was "Mixed Green Salad," which turned out to mean that the four long clues were anagrams of "GREEN SALAD," with the center across word reading "ANAGRAM." It was, shall we say, annoying. Although I did like 28D "Lee at Appomattox." Figure out the answer for yourself. This is also an It's Ac fact. :P
Um. A bunch of clues that took me forever to get, and about 5 which I will admit Googling. Proud to know 42A "Get Yer ___ Out (1970 Stones album)," but that's because I'm an old music junkie like that.

BTW, don't expect complete crossword pictures, because I do these on good old-fashioned newspaper. With a pen.
And I'm too lazy to scan.

EDIT: Hey, look, you can do the crossword for yourself!
Print it out

Youtube Notables: Elton John and Musical Acts!

There's nothing more time-consuming than surfing Youtube. Here are some interesting videos:

Who doesn't enjoy Elton John? His music is awesome, he's a Knight Bachelor, and he's still standing!

The next thing that caught my attention is actually a clever and applaudable rendition of Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles. The act was performed by many of our own Magnet students during the 2009 Magnet Arts Night.

And here's Newground's animation of the same song: Caution! Not for the faint of heart xD